A major step on the path to success as an individual and business owner is having what is called a “growth mindset”. Dr. Carol Dweck, Renowned Psychologist & Stanford University Professor, coined this idea of growth mindset which essentially describes an individuals self-perception of how they view and think about their own ability and talent. This growth mindset is delineated as the opposite of a “fixed mindset,” which is when people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. In other words, those with a fixed mindset believe you either have “it” or you don’t and they go throughout life documenting their intelligence or talents instead of developing them. The growth mindset is a life skill that is highly encouraged because individuals who have this tend to be problem solvers and they persist even when there are obstacles or challenges before them. Additionally, those with this type of mindset are proven to have healthier and more fulfilling lives powered by positive emotions such as joy and gratitude.

You might be wondering why this is important for a business owner. Having a growth mindset can make all the difference for a business owner whether they own a local mom & pop shop, a small business operating virtually, or a fortune 500 corporation with a global reach. Business owners are people first and people must be able to get to a place where their beliefs about their capacity to learn and grow shift. Contrary to popular belief, a persons mindset plays a crucial role in the success that they achieve in and throughout their life! A business owner that lacks a growth mindset is at risk of stagnation and ultimately any forward or upward progression at all. Alternatively, a business owner with a growth mindset will not quit after having failed at something and they will also recognize that there is always room for learning and/or improvement.

Personally speaking and after having done some self-evaluation, I have come to realize that I have had to shift many times between the fixed and growth mindset. Though I only officially launched my photography business earlier this year, I have already experienced a fair shake of small wins, great opportunity as well as a great portion of epic failures. I have been faced with some accomplishments but, I have also already been faced with discouragement, slower growth than I had imagined, challenges that I didn’t foresee, and all the other thousand things that should have caused me to quit including self doubt however; practicing the cultivation of a growth mindset has been instrumental in encouraging my personal resilience and determination.

Regardless of where you are applying this as a business owner or even just personally, you can cultivate a growth mindset if you really want to! Here’s 3 basic actions to help you get to where you want to be:

  • Ask yourself the right questions. The language in your questions matter because they aid in informing and/or changing your perspective in the midst of a situation. Ask yourself things like, “What growth goals can I set and monitor?” What will I try next?” or “What can I learn from others who have gone before me?”. By asking yourself these questions and being open the answers, you’ve essentially opened the door to a world of progress, learning, expanding your skills, and positive change!

  • Be open to feedback. With this point, you’ll only  want to grab ahold of the constructive criticism from trusted sources and individuals of influence in your life. You may not like everything that is said to you or pointed out about you because the truth can hurt sometimes but, once you understand that this outer insight is necessary for guided change and development, you’ll be in a better place to pivot or transition in a way that produces desired results.

  • Practice positive self-talk. YOU HAVE GOT TO ENCOURAGE YOURSELF! You can’t just think things; sometimes, you actually need to say positive things to yourself out loud so that you can hear them. For example, try saying “I persevere as a problem solver when I am frustrated or challenged,” or “My effort, attitude, and actions impact my success”. You can even throw a “I’m a boss and I know I’ve got this” in there if you need to. Say whatever you need to hear our loud to stir the motivation, determination, and drive that you need to press on.

Listen, the bottom line is this fact: if you’re not learning, you’re not growing and if you aren’t growing, you’re basically rotting, dying, or already dead! Super morbid, I know.... but the point is: don’t get stuck in the vicious cycle of quiescence and a lackluster way of living and being because you refuse to change your mindset. Take hold of the idea of a growth mindset and challenge yourself to get after it. Trust me when I say you will NOT be sorry.


Be blessed my friends!


Written by: Teah Ojeda   


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